Youth Subcommittee

There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.Nelson Mandela

The youth are the future and ‘The Clarion Voice’ recognises the need to raise political awareness and the importance of proactive participation amongst the youth as early as possible. One of the most important facets of the legacy of the organisation is to see more young people taking interest and playing an active in politics especially as young adults not just by voting but in a number of ways that include:

  1. Joining a political party
  2. Attending ward meetings where decisions are made at the local level
  3. Vying for political offices such as Councillors, MPs etc.
  4. Attending political meetings

The youth subcommittee aims to take politics to the young people and facilitate the process to help young people to see and do politics from their own perspective using technology and multimedia.

The youth subcommittee will engage in a number of key areas:

Why Politics?

  1. What is politics?
  2. Why is it important?
  3. Why and how can I get involved?

Understanding the big picture

  1. How do young people navigate themselves in the world today?
  2. Employability
  3. Leadership
  4. Civic society
  5. Making a difference

How will the youth subcommittee achieve its aims?

  1. Mentoring
  2. Shadowing (Political & Successful professionals)
  3. Support & advice with education
  4. Confidence building
  5. Debate events
  6. Proof it clinics